
Personal debt listings rise to $13m

The Cook Islands Credit Bureau, in its second year of operations in the Cook Islands, has already reached $13 million …

International Credit Reports

The Cook Islands Credit Bureau has joined with the Global Credit Information Services to bring businesses in the Cook Islands …

Positive Credit Reporting

The Cook Islands Credit Bureau has commenced the testing of positive reporting on the Cook Islands system. The new feature …

Public Notices from Members

In line with the Credit Bureaus Code of Conduct, members have commenced placing notices in the local papers to inform …

2012 Cook Islands Banking Review

Following the recommendations of the Economic Task Force to undertake a review of the banking system the Government commissioned Sam …

Cook Islands Credit Bureau now live

The Cook Islands first Credit Bureau is now in operation. The database has opened and the Bureau’s founding members, the …

Cook Islands launch first Credit Bureau

The Cook Islands is entering a new stage in the Financial Sector with the launch of the countries first Credit …